SOLD: Goose – 2012 Grade Black Mare

Goose Sold At the December 7th Online Auction.
Goose is a nice-bodied, nice-minded, big solid 2012 grade mare that has been used on trail rides and just leisurely riding in the fields and in an arena.
Goose pulled back, tied to the wall a few months ago. She became weak in her hind end and displayed some neurological signs. A Vet has looked at her, and we have been working on her recovery. She has improved a lot, but we are unsure if she will make a full recovery. Goose does great out in the pasture and with other horses.
Current Video of Goose –
Welcome Goose, 2012 grade black mare.
Goose arena riding with beginner rider.
Goose’s 1st dummy roping experience @Tuff Enuf Ranch.
Goose in the creek and arena at @Tuff Enuf Ranch.
Goose arena and trail riding at @Tuff Enuf Ranch.
Consignment horse Goose arena riding on a windy day at @Tuff Enuf Ranch.
Maci’s 1st ride on Goose, 10yr old mare for sale.
Josie’s 1st ride on Goose playing with cattle!