Buster – 2017 Grade Sorrel Gelding SOLD

Buster is consigned Designer Horse Sale Auction-
Starts Nov 2, 2022 at 5 PM CDT
Closing Nov 9, 2022 at 8 PM CST
He has a ton of trail miles on him. Done a lot of camping. Little to no arena work.
He arrived at JJ Arena on October 13th, 2022.
His pros:
- He trailers well
- Has a lot of trail experience – He’s been to Wildcat, Gov Knowels, St. Croix state forest, Wild River, and many more in WI and MN
- Stalls. High tie fine.
- Great in a group.
We are going to work on these improvements:
- He sometimes nips while being saddled. Not always.
- He will kick out playfully in a lope. Again. Not consistent.
- Will spook occasionally
He’s current on all cares coggins/ shots farrier.
Buster is around 15.2.