Kidnapped Star-2019 Paint Mare-SOLD

Biscuit is a 5 year old paint mare. She side passes, pivots, gives to the bit, takes her leads, and is smooth to ride. She would make an excellent all around horse. Shes been ridden through parades and trails. She’s started on barrels and has been around cows and showed an interest in them. We had our 9 yr old lesson girl on her and was great! The last owners kids also rode her. This mare is so sweet and will take care of you!
Biscuit is 15.1 hands tall.
She has been on around 15 trail rides. She will go thru water, be alone or in a group and does not matter to be last. We raced Cosmo, Elle and Biscuit and did not care being slower and behind them. She is not a 5 star racing horses. 😉 By this statement I mean Cosmo and Elle are a lot faster than her. It was her first time racing other horse, so she can get faster if she is asked more.
She trailers good. The only time we had to show her a whip to load her is when we tried putting her last in the trailer and she had to jump in and push the other horse forward to make room for her. She was not mean enough for that spot in the trailer. We load her everywhere else in the trailer and she jumps right in.
She has been in a stall and she does great. She can be stalled alone or next to a friend. She has also been in 1 wire not hot wired at Pro Elite Finals with a pony and did great and did not try to get out.
No she does not get marish.
Olivia riding Biscuit
Julie going through the barrels