SOLD – Mustang Sally – All Around Horse

Mustang Sally
Mustang Sally Sold At the December 7th Online Auction.

Mustang Sally – Broke – Quiet – Built To Last – 2009 – 12 year old mare that is super nice on trails, working cattle and does all our obstacle course and game events. Been used for riding lessons and my husband’s horse for years. My husband only rides a few times a year. She is offered for sale for the first time at JJ Arena.

JJ Arena riders have taught Mustang Sally all the game events.

Sally is used for lessons for:

  • Lead line lessons
  • Learning and improving your skills with the game events
  • Riding lessons
  • Learning your leads and improving your skills with working on side passing, backing, having your horse give to the bit, ect.
  • Sally can also be rented for horse shows that we put on or that we are driving to.

More information on Sally:

  • Neck reins, you can hold a camera, beer, kid easily while riding her 😉
  • She is a Mustang with a tattoo, so that is her registration. Not guarantee you can read it, but my husband did look it up before.

Mustang Sally

Mustang Sally showed us how to shut a gate and loved pulling the sled and helping Sierra video tape and Snapchat while loping in the rough field. 🤠🦄❄️

Josie playing around with Sally.

Videos from April 17th, 2021:

May 2018 – Farmer Josh’s first time on Mustang Sally:

Spring 2019 – Josie riding Mustang Sally:

Breanna’s 1st Ride on Sally:

JJ Arena Horse Training - Balsam Lake, Wisconsin