She Will Be Famous – Fame – 2009 AQHA Brown Mare $25K

Fame is a 1D-2D barrel racing mare. We found Fame at the Billings Mt March 2024 sale, got her in shape in April, and really like her. She is fun to ride at home, broke with all the buttons, and is super fast for the barrel races!
She did bleed at Mondovi on 5/25/24, so now she runs on Lasix and Guanabenz. If you are okay with giving Lasix and Guanabenz, this mare will be a blast to own and run.
If we could afford not to sell her, we would run her for a few more years and then add her to our breeding program, but at this time, she is offered for sale.
Her previous owner had her most of her life. She has been ranched on and drags calves. Fame has a big motor and will go all day! She is easy to catch, load, and stand, and she is good for the farrier. Fame stands at 15.2 hands.
Dash Ta Fame, Special Effort, First Down Dash, and Streakin Dash are all on her papers! Ride or breed her OR both!!!
Fame’s first outdoor run with us was in the 2d
Mondovi 7/19- 7/21/24
Friday tipped but would have been a 14.7
Saturday placing 4th and winning the youth
Winona 7/12-7/14/24
Friday placing 6th
Saturday would have placed 8th
Sunday placed in the 2d youth
Hinckley 7/5/24
Hinckley 6/26/24
Verndale 6/21/24-6/23/24
No video but 15.4
Hinckley 6/12/24 – Josie’s first run on Fame – 14.7!!!
Josie did not believe me that Fame would stop nicely in the warm-up pen, so that’s what happened around the timer line. Josie asked her to slow down and then was not prepared for her to slow down quickly and got some good air. 😉
Winona 6/9/24 15.4
Winona 6/8/24 15.2
Winona 6/7/24 15.2
Mondovi 5/25/24- 15.0
Hinkley May 2024
Verndale Race For the Roses
Saturday Poles and Barrels
Julie’s first run on Fame and was in the 1D with room for improvement!
Poles is work in progress for me and any of my horses, but we were getting it on the last few poles 😉
Video From April 9th, 2024 – Video from past owners of Fame!
Video From April 8th, 2024
Video From March 25th, 2024