Posts by jj_admin
SOLD – Lakota-2008 Mini Pony-$1,200
Lakota is a 34″ mini paint mare. She ties, leads, hauls. and lunges well. She has ponied kids around. We took her to a weekend barrel race and she stood at the trailer all weekend!
Read MoreA Cup Of Ambition -2023 Gray Filly – Frenchmans Guy, Mr Eye Opener, Takin On The Cash $8,500
This is a well-breed red roan/dun/gray filly. Her sire is an accomplished barrel horse and well on his way to a roping career. He is a by an own son of Frenchmans Guy is all-time leading sire with over $15 million in progeny earnings. Her dam side goes back to Mr Eye Opener and Takin…
Read MoreO Bar Rockin Miss – Little Miss – 2022 AQHA Sorrel Mare – $9K
Little Miss is a two-year-old out of SE Rock My World x Makin Up Memories. She is a high-class running breed mixed with a good all-around cow horse. She is currently being given a good foundation to grow on! She stands tied, loads, and stands well for the farrier. She is the perfect prospect no…
Read MoreSOLD!!!! O Bar Rockin Judge – 2022 AQHA Sorrel Mare $5K
O Bar Rockin Judge is a 2 year old out of SE Rock My World x SE Judge Lue. She is very athletic. Has a solid start on groundwork. She stands tied, loads and stands for the farrier. She is bred to turn and burn with a gentle mind! She currently stands around 13.2 hands.…
Read MoreSOLD – A Royal Chrome – Chrome – 2014 AQHA Sorrel Gelding
A Royal Chrome – Chrome – 2014 AQHA Sorrel Gelding Chrome is a 10-year-old out of Iteska Boy x A Stylish Fantasy. My Eye Opener and Dash For Cash on his papers! He is a big, strong ranch horse. He is low maintenance. He stands tied, is good for the farrier, and loads well. He…
Read MoreShe Will Be Famous – Fame – 2009 AQHA Brown Mare $25K
Fame is a 1D-2D barrel racing mare. We found Fame at the Billings Mt March 2024 sale, got her in shape in April, and really like her. She is fun to ride at home, broke with all the buttons, and is super fast for the barrel races! She did bleed at Mondovi on 5/25/24, so…
Read MoreSOLD-Biebers French Maple aka Maple – 2016 Buckskin Paint Mare
Maple is an excellent all-around horse. Fast, quick, cute, and a fantastic personality. She is a pleasure to be around. Friendly to all horses and humans. There is no change in riding or handling while she is in heat. Fast, quick-footed, broke nice, and will go whatever speed asked. 1D – 4D barrel horse depending on…
Read MoreSOLD!!! Nala – 2013 Bay Grade Hackney Pony Consigned to Billings MT Sale on March 23rd. –
Nala is a 11 year old Hackney Pony. Kids rode her English and Western in the past! Self loads and stands tied all day. Low on the pecking order! She is 11.2 hands and has the beautiful Hackney trot. She will make a great cart, trail, and all-around pony! Nala is consigned to the Billings…
Read MoreDreaam Weaver – 2023 AQHA Dun Gelding- NOT FOR SALE – Josie’s Future Futurity Horse
This is a well-breed sorrel gelding. His sire is an accomplished barrel horse and well on his way to a roping career. He is a by an own son of Frenchmans Guy is all-time leading sire with over $15 million in progeny earnings. This colt is out of a top barrel mare! He is a…
Read MoreIm A Fyreball – 2023 Sorrel Gelding $6K
Ima A Fyreball is the own son of Frenchmans Guy; he is all-time leading sire with over $15 million in progeny earnings. This is an excellent prospect by a proven son of Frenchman’s Guy. He is out of an own daughter of Streak of Fling, a 8.5 million dollar sire. This colt is pretty and…
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